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Exercise Set for The Nervous System An8alda nGclea

) Sit in Easy Pose with the arms extended straight out to78
. t e sides parallel to the gro u n d . The palms are facing up
(A) . Begin to move only your S aturn finger (the middle
nger) up and down rapidly ( B ) . Using a powerful breath ,
t hale as you raise the finger a n d exhale as you lower it.
Contin ue rhyth micall y , coordinating this movement with
•L..e breath for 7 min utes .
1 is exercise stim u lates the p ituitary to create a b alance
uetween the parasy mpathe tic a n d sympathetic nervous
svstems .
. Remain in Easy Pose . Stretch the arms out in front,
parallel to the ground (A) . Place the left hand over the
:ht interlacing the fin gers with the palms facing down .
􀉈gin to rapidly swing your arms from side to sid e , moving
the head and neck in the same direction as the arms.
u- “ep the elbows straight . C ontin u e coordinating the 􀃚
>Ve ment with a powerful breath for 5 min utes .
, uis exercise prepares the body for the shock of acciden ts
‘Y making i t u e ry flexible . It also strengthens the chest
rscle and stim ulates the lym p h n o des in that area.
ere haue been reports that this exercise aids in pre uentng
breast cancer.
Sitting in Easy Pose , exte n d the arms straight out in
cont, parallel to the ground (A) . Make fists of the hands
•itJ.t the th umbs tucked inside touching the fleshy mound
>W the little finger. Keeping the arms and hands
􀅼 .. ight, bring the left arm up as the right arm goes down .
:ontinue alternately moving the arms up and down
:efully , coordinati n g the movement with forceful
tthing for 8 min utes .
his exercise works to b alan ce the para thyroid gland and
ulates weight loss .
i3utterfly Pose . Sit with the soles of the feet pressed
nDther . Draw the feet into the groin , keeping the knees
!ose to the floor as possible . I nterlace the fingers into
􀉉· . us Lock and place the hands in the lap (A) . Inhale
t d raise the arms up over the head while simultaneously
1ing the knees up towards the center of the body (B) .
tie and lower the knees and arms down to the
iginal position (A) . Contin u e rhythm icall y , coordinating
novement with powerful breathing for 8 min utes .
exercise b alances the pran a a n d ap·ana, sets the
u e l poin t, a n d brings the breast line into total balance.
i!: exercise also prepares a n d m aintains a wo m a n ‘s
c; area during her c hild bearing years.



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