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Overcoming Weakness

January 9, 1985 l’

201. Come into Cobra Pose, heels together, elbows straight and chin tilted upward. 3 1/2 Minutes. Remain in the same posture, put your tongue out and begin a powerful, panting breath from the diaphragm. 2 Minutes. Still in cobra pose, pull in your tongue, close your mouth, and begin Breath of Fire through your nose. 2 Minutes.

Slowly come out of the posture.

2. Lie down and relax on your stomach. 1 Minute.

3. Grab your ankles and stretch up into Bow Pose. Inhale through your mourh and exhale through your nose. 5 Minures. (The muscles in your thighs and pelvis regulate the mineral balance in the body, so pain in your thighs during this exercise can indicate a calcium/magnesium imbalance.)

4. Relax on your back. 6 Minutes.

5. Come up into a variation of Shoulder Stand. Using your hands to support your lower back firmly, angle your torso up to sixty degrees. Extend your legs up and out so that they are in a straight line with your torso and there is no bend in your back. Keep your knees straight. The forward angle of your torso and legs puts the weight of your body on to your elbows. Stick your tongue out and do Breath of Fire through your mouth. 3 Minutes.

6. Come into Stretch Pose. Lift your head and heels 6 inches and extend your arms over your thighs, palms down. Focus your eyes at the tips of your toes. Do Breath of Fire and really pump your navel point. 2 1/2 Minutes. (Three minutes a day of Stretch Pose is very good for your liver.)

7. Relax on your back. 6 Minutes. 8. Roll your hands and feet. Move your elbows, shoulders, and shoulder blades. Gradually begin to move more and more until you are moving around wildly, shaking energy into every cell. Experience your power over your own weakness, laziness and sluggishness. 1 1/2 Minutes.


Soak 6 prunes, 6 figs, and a handful of raisins in water overnight. In the morning add 3 bananas and 8 ounces of yoghurt. Blend altogether in a blender with some ice and the water in which you soaked the fruit. Divide this mixture into three equal portions and drink throughout the day. (If you wish to make this drink a complete food, add a handful of nuts before blending. Those who suffer from cold hands and cold feet may add 10-15 soaked saffron threads as well.) You may want to drink this drink daily instead of eating your regular meals. If so, every other day, you must eat a large meal ofsteamed vegetables or a hearty vegetable salad in addition to the drinks.


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