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adjustment of the blood

21. Sit with your legs spread wide apart. Holding your toes, exhale and stretch down, bringing your forehead to the floor. Inhale and rise back up. Continue this up and down movement. 2 1/2 Minutes. Participate strongly. Bring your body into balance.

2. Lie on your back with your arms at your sides. Raise and lower your hips rapidly. 3 Minutes. This movement opens up the lower back and, if practiced properly, can prevent senility. Move quickly and powerfully.

3. Still lying on your back, bring your knees to your chest and lock your hands over the lower part of your ankles. Roll your body left and right. This side to side motion massages the lower back. 1 Minute.

4. Frog Pose: Squat down so your buttocks are on your heels. Your heels are off the ground and touching each other. Put your fingertips on the ground between your knees. Inhale through your nose and straighten your legs, keeping your fingertips on the ground. Exhale through the mouth and return to the squatting position. 52 Times.

5. Sitting in Easy Pose, bring your palms together in Prayer Mudra in front of your forehead, with your thumbs resting against the middle of your forehead. Close your eyes and breathe very slowly and deeply. 3 Minutes. This meditation can help to control high blood pressure and strengthen the metabolism.


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