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Exercise Set for Circulation

1) Sit in Crow Pose , a crouching position with the67
soles of the feet flat on the floor. Keep the spine straight .
Bring the arms parallel t o t h e ground a t chest level , finger
tips touching , palms facing . d own (A) . The arm
movements for this exercise are as follows : alternating the
left and right arms, exten d one arm straight out to the
sid e , and then bring it back to the original position . Con tinuing
the arm movements, begin rising t o a standing
position in 8 counts (each count takes 1 second) . On
each count alternately move both the left and right arms
out to the sid e . By the count of 4 you should be half-way
up . Use a powerful breath of fire and mentally chant Sa T
a-Na-Ma rhythmically c oordina ting the movements of
the arms and legs with the breath and mantra . Contin ue
for 1 1 minutes.
This exercise works on the abdomen , pelvis and thighs
and is very important for good health in a woman.
2) Sit in Easy Pose or Lotus Pose . Interlace the fingers in
Venus Lock over your head , index fin gers extended,
and e lbows straight (A) . Inhale , stretch up . Exhale and
stretch as you bring the forehead down to the left knee ,
keeping the buttocks on the ground (B) . I nhale a nd
return to the starting p osition . Exh ale and stretch down to
the right knee . Continue at a moderate pace alternating
from left to right for 3 minutes .
This exercise works on the liver. It releases anger and
keeps you young.
3) Come into Crow Pose . The hand position is the
same as the previous exercise (A) . Keeping the spine
straight, inhale and begin sta n ding up (B) . Then exhale
through the mouth as you go back down into Crow Pose .
Complete one cycle every 3-4 seconds . Continue for 3-4
This exercise works on the ankles and the meridian points
4) Sit with the legs stretched out in front. Grab the
big toes of each foot by hooking the forefingers around
the big toes a n d pressing the thumbs against the toenails
(A) . If you cannot reach the toes , grab your ankles.
Keeping the head up throughout the exercise, in hale
through the nose and stretch the spine up . Exhale
through the mouth and stretch forward as far as you can
(B) . Continue for 3-4 minutes at a moderate pace . Increase
your speed to a rapid pace for the last minute.
Total time 4-5 minutes. Inhale, exhale and relax for 30
seconds . .c·
This exercise works on supplying oxygen to the brain. If
the head is not kept up during this exercise, it can create
an undesirable pressure on the brain.

e both legs up to 90 ° (A) , toes pointed. Exhale68
through the mouth , as you bend your knees and kick the
buttocks with both feet simultaneously , keeping the toes
pointed . Complete one cycle every second . Continue
rhythmically with powerful breathing for 2 minutes .
This exercise works on circulation.
6) In Cobra Pose , lie on the stomach with the chin on
the ground . The palms are flat on the floor under the
shoulders ; the heels are together with the soles of the feet
facing up (A) . Inhale through the nose , arching the spine
up until the arms are straight and the elbows locked in
Cobra Pose (B) . Exhale through the mouth , and lower the
body back down (A) . Complete one cycle every 4
seconds . Mentally chant Sa-Ta-Na-Ma. Continue
rhyth m ically, coordinating the movement with the breath
and mantra for 3 minutes.
This exercise works on circulation.
7) Remaining on the stomach come into Bow Pose .
Reach back , bend your knees and grab your ankles. Inhale
through the nose and arch the spine completely,
pulling ·an the ankles , so that only the pelvis, abdomen
and lower chest remain on the floor, head tilted all the
way back (A) . Exhale through the mouth as you come
down, bringing the thighs , shoulders and head to the
floor (B). Complete one cycle every 2 seconds . Contin ue
rhythmically coordinating the movement with the breath
for 1-2 minutes .
Th is exercise works on circulation.
8) Deeply re lax in Corpse Pose . Lie on your back
with your arms at the sides, palms up , ankles uncrossed
and eyes closed (A) . Relax the body systematically , part
by part, beginning with the feet and contin uing on up to
the head. Tota lly and consciously relax for 2 minutes.
9) Remain in Corpse Pose. Disconnect yourself fro m
your body. Open the mouth a little and with only the
power of the tongue begin to chant aloud: Har, Har, Har,
Har, Har, Har … Chant fast, powerfully and continuously
(4 repetitions of Har per second) . The tongue will begin
to hurt . Keep the body still. Continue for 4-5 minutes . Inhale
, exhale and relax.

1 0) Relax completely . Feel lifeless and meditate on all69
weaknesses and disease leaving your body. As you deeply
relax begin to sing with the tape, if available: Aap
Sahaaee Hoaa, Sache Daa Sach aa Dhoaa, Har, Har,
Har. Continue for 3-4 minutes . Then inhale and begin
long deep breathing as you listen to the tape for 1-2 more
minutes . · · ·
The mantra A ap Sahaaee Hoaa, Sache Daa Sach aa
Dhoaa, Har, Har, Har removes the animosity towards
the self.
1 1) Sit in Easy Pose and sing “Oh , That Mea n , Mean
Man” . R h ythmically clap your h ands as you sin g , or
breathe long and gently , meditating at the third eye
– point. Continue for 1 0 minutes.
Whe n done in a group w ith w hole hearted and rhy th mic
participation , this exercise h as the ability to create a total
and powerfu l m acro-consciousness. In this macroconsciousness,
practice m aintaining and fee ling the in dividuality
of your micro-consciousness .
12) In Easy Pose , place the arms above your head with
th e elbows straight and palms together (A) . Inhale ,
deeply stretch the spine up and begin to pump the navel
in and out powerfully for 30 seconds . Exhale , inhale and
repeat two more times . Exhale and relax .



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