1) Sit in Easy Pose . Extend the arms straight out to the
sides, palms facing forward , thumbs up and fingers
straight. Rotate the hands forward so that the palms are
facing backward with the thumbs touching the fleshy
mound below the little finger (mercury mound) (A) . Keep
the elbows straight . Rhythmically coordinate the rotation
of the hands with a powerful breath of fire on each rotation
. Continue as powerfully as possible for 3 minutes .
. – This exercise works on the pituitary . It w orks specifically
on a meridian point w h ich helps to control one ‘s ego .
2} Remain sitting in Easy Pose with the arms extended
straight o ut to the sides , palms facing down (A) . Inhale
and bring the arms up over the head so the palms face
each other and the fingertips touch lightly (B) . Exhale
and return to the original p osition . Continue with a very
powerful breath for 3 minutes .
This exercise works on the b rain .
3) Repeat exercise 1 for 1 minute .
4) Sitting in Easy Pose exte nd the arms straight out to
the sides . Bending at the wrists , rapidly move both hands
. up ?nd down. Continue rhythmically coord inating the
movement with a powerful breath of fire for 1 minute .
This exercise w orks on the nervous syste m .
5) Remain i n Easy Pose with t h e arms extended straight
out to the sides . Make fists of the hands with the thumbs
tucked in touching the fleshy mound below the little
finger (A) . Inhale and bring the fists to the shoulders by
bending the elbows (B) , exhale back . Contin ue coordinating
the movement with a powerful breath of fire for 1
minute .
This exercise works on the e ars , nose and throat.
6) Stand up . Bend the left knee and grab onto your left
ankle with your left hand , and raise it up behind you
while keeping the right leg straight. Balancing on one
foot , bend forward from the hip and touch the ground
with your right hand and then stand back up . Continue the motion for 1 min ute . Then inhale , change legs and –
continue for 1 min ute more .