2003 If you understand that you are Ten Bodies, and you are aware of those Ten Bodies, and you keep them in balance, the whole universe will be in balance with you. · YOGI BHAJAN 200 200 201 203 204
Basics of the Ten Bodies For the most part human beings identify with their physical body, and think of themselves in physical terms-or perhaps at best, as a physical body and a mind. The truth is that the human being is made up of ten bodies: the physical body, three mental bodies, and six energy bodies. lst Soul Body 2nd Negative Mind 3rd Positive Mind 4th Neutral Mind Sth Physical Body 6th A reline 7th Aura 8th Pranic Body 9th Subtle Body lOth Radiant Body
The Ten Bodies are powerful capacities of the psyche. Each body has specific gifts that manifest when strong, and certain deficit tendencies that surface when weak. Your caliber is determined by the balance of your Ten Bodies. You can strengthen any of the Ten Bodies, by developing an ability to identify which body is out of balance, and then practicing the appropriate technology to strengthen that body. In order to understand how each of the Ten Bodies manifests when it is fully developed, it is useful to examine the lives of each of the Ten Sikh Gurus. Though each of the Gurus were Masters or perfected beings, in each of their lives, we can see examples of how each one clearly personified one of the virtues associated with the Ten Bodies. The root of all disease exists first in one of these spiritual or energy bodies before it manifests outwardly. Therefore, by strengthening and balancing the Ten Bodies, we can make ourselves healthier as well. Balancing the Ten Bodies Kundalini Yoga with its systemized kriyas. works to balance and activate the Ten Bodies. Therefore, a regular, sincere practice of Kundalini Yoga is a comprehensive way to work on all Ten Bodies at once. If you are aware of a weakness or imbalance in one particular body, and you wish to focus on strengthening and balancing that body in particular, you can: Choose a meditation that works that particular body, or which uses a mantra associated with strengthening that aspect. Chant the songs (Gurbani) or teachings of the corresponding Guru. You may study his life and words, as wel l. Follow the recom mendations in the ‘ Key to Balancing’ suggestions in the Profile of the Ten Bodies, which follows.
A Profile of The Ten Bodies FIRST BODY Soul Body Guru Nanak “Heart over Heact» HumilityJ Creativity Is my life a creative flow from my sours purpose? Oo I come from the heart? The first body is your Soul Body. It connects you to your inner infinity. It is the experience of the flow of spirit within yourself. When your soul body is strong, you live by your heart instead of your head, your creativity flows in a simple, pure way. When you master your Soul Body, you come from a place of great humility and creativity. You are so linked with your own infinity that you can relax into the flow of God energy and use it to create beauty in your life. Your soul is the individual expression of spirit; it contains the basic nuclear energy of you, your foundational self. If your first body is weak, you may come from your head instead of your heart. You may feel stuck, not able to access your purpose and creative flow of life. Key to Balancing: Raise the Kundalini. Open the Heart. THE 2ND, 3RD, AND 4TH BODI ES ARE MENTAL BODIES, THE THREE FUNCTIONAL MINDS: SECOND BODY Negative (Protective) Mind Guru Angad ‘1.onging to Belong» ContainmentJ Obedience Can I determine if there is danger in a situation? What do I need to consider? The Negative M ind helps you to give form to the creativity of your Soul Body with the gifts of containment, form, and discernment. It instills in you a longing to belong, which in its highest expression drives you to connect very deeply with your own God self. It gives you patience to be obedient to your own inner guidance. If your negative mind is underdeveloped, your longing to belong can cause you to get into inappropriate, self-destructive relationships because you are over-influenced by others; you aren’t contained enough in your own center. Key to Balancing: Value your discipline. Develop conscious relationships of integrity.
THI RD BODY Positive (Expansive) Mind «Devil or Divine» Guru Amar Das EqualityJ Positivity Am I open to all possibilities that life has to offer? Oo I let these into my life? The Positive Mind sees the positive essence of all situations and beings. It is expansive and allows resources in. It gives you a strong will and allows you to use your power easily and humbly. It makes you naturally playful and optimistic, and gives you a good sense of humor. It makes your communication strong and direct. If the Positive Mind is weak, it is like receiving a daily injection of poison. You can be overwhelmed by the input of your Negative Mind, which can be depressing and paralyzing. You may be angry and intolerant, or hesitate to use your own power, your own heat, because you are afraid of the responsibility it brings or afraid that you might abuse it. Key to Balancing: Strengthen the navel point. Increase your self-esteem. Use positive affirmations. FOURTH BODY Neutral (Meditative) Mind Guru Ram Das “Cup of PrayerJ ServiceJ CompassionJ Integration Oo I allow myself to perceive and act upon inner wisdom? The Neutral or Meditative Mind is the ultimate “win-win” mentality. From here you look at the whole play of life with compassion. The Neutral Mind evaluates the input of your Negative and Positive Minds (and the rest of the Bodies, as well), and gives you guidance within nine seconds. It is a very intuitive vantage point, and allows you to access your Soul. If your Neutral Mind is weak you may have a hard time making decisions. You’ll have the habit of feeling victimized by life because you don’t know how to integrate your experiences and find meaning in them. You may have a hard time seeing beyond the polarities of life on Earth and tuning into the great cosmic scheme of things. Key to Balancing: Meditate.
FifTH BODY Physical Body Guru Arjun c7eacher/Balance» Sacrifice� Balance� Teacher Oo I use my strength and assets for the good of all? The Physical Body is the temple where the other Nine Bodies play out their parts. It gives you the capacity to sacrifice -to make sacred. It gives you the ability to balance all parts of your life. If strong, it represents the teacher. who is able to take abstractions and explain them to anyone, of any age, of any intelligence, of any way of life. and able to bring the information into an earthly, concrete form. With the Fifth Body one can choose dharma over karma. If your Fifth Body is weak, you may be angry, greedy, jealous, competitive, ungrateful. Your inner and outer realities will be out of balance. You may have trouble expressing yourself verbally, and you may be afraid to be in the position of teacher. Key to Balancing: Exercise regularly. Teach. “Thy Will is my will, 0 Lord.” SIXTH BODY Arc line Guru Hargobind c1’erson at Prayer� justice� Protection� Projection Am I able to manifest my goals? Oo I do so with integrity? The Ardine extends from earlobe to earlobe, across the hairline and brow. It’s your halo, and is the nucleus of the aura. Women have a second arcline which extends from nipple to nipple. The Ardine is your projection, your radiance. It gives you the ability to focus, to be concentrated, to meditate. The Ardine, associated with the pituitary gland, regulates the nervous system and glandular balance, thus protecting your heart center. You can use the intuition of your sixth center to protect yourself. so that you can deal with the stresses of life without shutting down your heart. The projective power of the Sixth Body helps you manifest whatever you want in your life. “I am, I am,” is the Ardine. This is the balance point between the physical realm and the cosmic realm, referred to in Sikh Dharma as Miri-Piri. If your arcline is weak, If your Ardine is weak, you may be overprotective and easily influenced. You may have glandular imbalances, which can lead to inconsistency in your moods and your behavior. You may be unfocused and unable to manifest your prayers. You also may not be using your intuition to protect yourself. Key to Balancing: Awaken the pituitary gland – the Third Eye.
SEVENTH BODY Aura Guru Har Rai ccPiatform of Elevation» Mercy Security Love Oo I feel security in universal love? Am I unhesitating in uplifting others as well as myself? The Aura is the electromagnetic field which surrounds your body in the same way the Earth’s Magnetic field envelopes the Earth. When it’s strong, it acts as a container for your life force, and allows that life force to build up to a level where you feel confident and secure. It is from this position of security that you can treat others with mercy, and your very presence uplifts all. The Aura is your protection, it is your shield. It can attract positivity and repel negativity-negativity from other people, from situations, and illness. If your Aura is weak, then you may be paranoid and lack self trust, and negativity can penetrate into the psyche and into the physical body. All illness goes into the Aura first. So if you can heal yourself aurically and keep your Aura strong, then illness cannot penetrate into your physical body. Key to Balancing: Meditate. Wear white clothing made of natural fibers. EIGHTH BODY Pranic Body Guru Har Krishan Oo I fearlessly embrace life? “Finite to Infinite Purity Energy Fearlessness Self-initiation Oo I have enough energy to fulfill my goals? Through your breath, your Pranic Body continuously brings the life force and energy into your system. This allows you to feel fearless, fully alive, and at one with all creation. When your Pranic Body is strong, and your breathing is deep and relaxed, nothing can bother you. You are self-motivated, and you have enough energy to achieve your goals. All disease starts with an imbalance in the Pranic Body. If your Eighth Body is weak, you may have constant low-level anxiety and chronic fatigue. You may try to get energy from food or stimulants. You may be fearful and defensive. Key to Balancing: All pranayam.
NINTH BODY Subtle Bocty Guru Teg Bahadur “Mastery or Mystery» Calmness SubtletyWhen your Subtle Body is strong, you have great finesse and a powerful calmness. Nothing in life is a mystery to you. You learn quickly and master situations easily. You’re able to walk into a room and intuitively know what’s going on. The Subtle Body and the Soul Body are intricately connected. The Subtle Body carries the Soul at the time of death. If your Ninth Body is weak, you may be naive and easily fooled, unintentionally crude or rough in your speech or behavior. You may be restless, because you lack the peace that comes from flowing with the way things are. Key to Balancing: Do any meditation or kriya for 1 ,000 days. TENTH BODY c·one*Pius” Body) Ractiant Bocty “All or Nothing» Guru Gobina Singh Royal Courage Radiance Nobility Is my life an examvle of courage, royalty, ana creativity? The Radiant Body gives you spiritual royalty and radiance. It’s strength makes you courageous in the face of any obstacle. You exert a magnetic presence and command the respect of all who know you. You approach life with an “all or nothing” attitude, and always give 1 10 per cent. Yogi Bhajan calls the Tenth Body “one-plus” because it’s one (your Soul Body), plus your radiance. If your Tenth Body is underdeveloped, you may be afraid of conflict. You may shy away from other people’s attention, because you are afraid of the energy and responsibility that come with the recognition of your inner nobility. You may feel ineffective and unable to come through in situations. Key to Balancing: Commitment. Do not cut the hair. ELEVENTH EMBODIMENT Parallel Unisonness “Infinity» Siri Guru Granth Sahib Divine Vision Truth for All Is my identity Sat Nam? Do I allow Infinity to flow through me? Eleven represents the sound current, the wellspring of Infinity from which all mantras originate. Yogi Bhajan says, “When the God in you. and the human in you are in parallel unisonness. then you are an II. You have no duality, you have divine vision. and the truth flows from you. You don’t have to find anything outside of you. The jewels are all in you-you are rich inside, you have satisfaction and contentment.” In this pure state of consciousness you have the ability to see all events as God’s Play, and recognize the God in all. You can direct the play of all Ten Bodies at will. You can direct all parts of your being from an impersonal, expansive space that allows Infinity to flow through you at all times. “If at anytime, any moment. you misuse your spirtual power, then you are negative, a fanatic. You are without compassion, which is a sign of supreme selfishness. The reality of life is selflessness.” Key to Balancing: Nam Simran or meditative recitation of the words of the Siri Guru Granth Sahib.
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; Secondly, you d
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· Be(use you did not.havfethe strehgthi’bf y
our Radiant’!
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means. ur Identity, is gone�··Your·Physieaf Bod)Arema!hs,.butl
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· · ·
. · . �· � . ·�
Aspects of the Ten Bodies & the Eleventh Embodiment
Soul Body Non-creative
Overly intellectual
2 Negative Overly contracted
(Protective) Mind Unable to calculate
3 Positive Injection of poisonous
(Projective) Mind thought; no boundaries
4 Neutral Opinionated
(Meditative) Mind Reactive
5 Physical Body Greedy, jealous,
6 A reline Overprotective,
easily influenced
7 Aura Paranoid
Lacks self-trust
8 Pranic Body Fearful
9 Subtle Body Gullible
10 Radiant Body Ineffective. Shy
II th Embodiment Fanatic
Parallel Unisonness
Creative Humil ity Guru Nanak
Heart over head
Contained Obedience Guru Angad
Calculates danger Containment
Expansive Equality Guru Amar Das
Light where no hope
Neutral Service Guru Ram Das
Balance Self-sacrifice Guru Arjan
Ability to sacrifice
Focused justice Guru Hargobind
Uplifting M ercy Guru Har Rai
Fearless Purity Guru Har Krishan
Sensitive, Subtle Calmness Guru Teg Bahadur
Intuitive. Sophisticated
Royal Royal Courage Guru Gobind Singh
U ndefeatable
Mastery Infinite Siri Guru
Divine Vision Flexibility Granth Sahib