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Exercise Set for The Lymph System

601) Sit in Easy Pose. Interlace the fingers into Venus
Lock and place behind the head where the neck and
scalp join . Extend the elbows straight out to the sides,
parallel to the ground. Begin twisting powerfully from left
to right, stopping for one count in the center (1 second in
each direction). Inhale to each side, exhale in the center.
Twist completely to each side . Continue for 9 minutes.
This exercise removes tension from the shoulders and
relaxes the muscles of the breast. When the breast
muscles are not relaxed the stomach muscles are stressed
which causes fat to deposit around the abdomen. When
the shoulder muscles are stretched, the supply of blood to
the brain is regulated.
2) Sitting is Easy Pose , grasp the outside of the knees .
Keep the spine straight and with the power of the hands
begin pulling the knees up towards each other in front of
the chest and lowering them down (one cycle takes less
than one second). Continue for 6 minutes.
The .exercise applies a tremendous pressure to the breast
·and stomach area. It also works on breaking down the fat
around the abdomen and adjusts the ankles and knees.
3) Stretch both legs straight out in front. Keeping your.
arms straight , lean back on your hands and point them
backwards . Bend the k nees up and rapidly and powerfully
start kicking your legs up and down in the air. Keep
ankles and feet relaxed and concentrate on moving from
below the knees. Contin ue for 3 minutes.
This exercise works on the lower spine.
4) In Easy Pose, sit with a straight spine. Extend the
arms straight in front of you at a slight angle outwards,
parallel to the ground, with the palms facing up. Alternately,
make fists of the hands and pull them into the
shoulder area . Pull hard enough to make the body shake
and move rapidly. Continue for 1-2 minutes.
This exercise works on opening up the arteries.
5) Sit in Easy Pose. Place the flat part of your fist on the
floor n ext to your hips. Keeping the back straight and the
heels on the floor , lift the body up and then drop it down
(1-2 times every second). Continue for 4 min utes.
This exercise builds up the shoulder muscles so that the
lower torso is able to relax. It gives the shoulders a workout
they never get in day to day life.

616) Remain sitting in Easy Pose. Place the hands on the
knees . Begin bending left to right from the waist. Bend
completely to each sid e , adding a little d istance with each
bend (one complete cycle takes 2-3 seconds) for 5-6
min utes .
This exercise aids in digestion.
7) In Easy Pose sit with a straight spine and place the
hands on the knees. Bend your head forward, back, left,
right, returning to the center after each bend. Silently
chant Sa as you bend forward, Ta to the back, Nato the
left and Ma to the righ t . Continue rhythmically, coordinating
the movement with the mantra for 2-3 minutes .
This exercise strengthens the neck.
8) Lion Lick : Sit in Easy Pose. Place the hands on the
knees and begin flexing your spine forwards and
backwards. When the spine is flexed back, draw the chin
to the chest and stick the whole tongue o ut as you make
the sound “Hunh . ” (A) Inhale through the nose as the
spine is flexed forward, drawing the tongue back into the
mouth (B) . Continue rhythmically for 3 minutes. (One
complete cycle takes approximately one second . )
This exercise works on opening up the lungs.
9) Stand up. Place the feet shoulder-width apart, w ith
the toes facing slightly o u t . Placing the hands on the
knees, begin squatting down (A) and coming halfway up
(B) keeping the feet flat on the floor. The knees will act as
a fulcru m , h elping maintain the same angle between the
back and thighs throughout the exercise . Continue
rhythmically for a maximu m of 8 minutes, resting when
needed. (One complete cycle takes less than one
second. )
This exercise works directly on the knees. If the knees
lose their elasticity, it can affect the alignment of the
whole body, subsequently causing less circulation of
blood to the breast area a nd increasing the chance of
10) Sit down. Stretch both legs straight out in front and
keep the spine erect, hands resting in the lap or on the
thighs. Alternately point your toes forward (A) , and then
flex your feet back (one complete cycle takes 1-2
seconds . ) C ontinue for 1 minute .
This exercise strengthens the muscles of the lower leg.

6211) Sit in Easy Pose . Place the hands on the knees and
begin rotating the abdominal area and lower spine
around in large circles; roll only to the right. (One complete
rotation takes 1-2 seconds.) Continue for 3-4
minutes .
This exercise works on digestion.
12) Remain sitting in Easy Pose with the hands on th e
knees . Rapidly begin shaking the head from left to right in
short , sharp movements . Allow all the muscles of the
mouth and face to relax. Contin ue for 3 min utes.
As you loosen up and shake, the pituitary gland, the
temples and everything in the head area will move. It
allows the capillaries to get their blood supply and
strengthens all the muscles of the cheeks and jaw.
13) Sit in Easy Pose. Extend the arms out in front at
chest level with slightly bent elbows. The palms are facing
each other with the fingers spread apart. Rapidly shake
the hands towards th e center of the body and out, keeping
the wrists loose. The motion is precisely in and out,
not every which way . Shake so fast that you feel the
fingers cutting the air and the hands feel separate from
the body. Contin ue for 2-3 minutes.
This is an excellent exercise for the sciatic nerve. It
stimulates circulation and removes the poisons.
14) Sit in Easy Pose . Place the hands in the lap . Begin
chanting Har, Har, Har, Har, Har, Har, Hari continuously
with the tip of the tongue (one complete repe tition
takes 2-3 seconds) . Draw the navel point in each
time the tip of the tongue touches the upper palate
behind the teeth . Continue ch􀅛nting rhythmically for 3-4
This is a m editation for the 1980’s and endurance.
15) In Easy Pose, stre tch the arms over the head . In terlace
the fingers of both hands with the palms facing up.
Lean back and begin stretching from side to side like a
cat. Continue for 1 minute .
This exercise balances the meridians in the rib cage and
the area above it.
16) Sit in Easy Pose . Begin chanting: God and Me, Me
and God, Are One. Contin ue for 3 min utes . Then chant:
I Am Thee, Thou Is Me, Me Is Thou. Continue this for
2-3 min utes . Fi nally chant: All Things Come From God
and All Things Go To God, and continue for 2 minutes .

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