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Work of Anandmurti


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Work of Anandmurti

Gurumaa received her education from a convent school. Once it so happened that a missionary came to her school to deliver a talk on moral science. Gurumaa stood up and asked the missionary: Who is God? Have you experienced His presence? Are you reading about God from the scripture or are you saying what comes from your own experience? The missionary did not answer her questions but went straight to the Principal. When Gurumaa and her parents were called to the Principal’s office, the missionary requested that their child with her exceptional abilities be trained to spread the message of Christ.
From early age, Gurumaa showed a special affinity towards the seers. She would listen to their talks and ask them various questions. They would happily answer all her queries as they knew she was not asking from curiosity alone. Gurumaa also started writing poetry at an early age. These poetic expressions came from the depth of her heart. They are her innocent offerings to the divine where the divine is seen as the beloved and sometimes as friend.
Gurumaa had also begun in her own way to deliver satsang even when she was in school. After school was over, she would rush to a place where she would deliver her satsang. People were drawn to her and made every endeavour to be a part of that Amrit Varsha.

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