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For the last 3,000 years we have been taught nothing. We have been taught
that there is a God somewhere up there, and that we must make an effort,
a journey, to reach there. But it is very simple: If you cannot see God in all,
you cannot see God at all. If the Muslim God is better than the Hindu God,
if the Christian God is better than the Jewish God, then there is neither a
Muslim nor a Hindu, nor a Christian, nor a Jewish God. There is nothing.
God is an interwoven energy, a

vibratory impulse in the universe
that creates the universe, contracts
the universe and expands
the universe. The whole universe!
And the universe is as infinite as
you can imagine.
Guru Nanak is right to say that we
can concentrate in the Sadh
Sangat, in a group. Beauty lies in
concentration. Individuality is very
weak. Individuality is to project
individualism: Saying, “I want to
project myself,” never matters at all.
As our universe contracts and
expands, so do individuals.
Whatever is will not be.
If you feel “So and so is bothering me,” so and so is not bothering you.
Maybe in a previous life, 300 years ago, you did something to that person.
The soul is in a cycle, a circle. A circle is an orbit. An orbit is a zero. Zero is
an expansion. Expansion is inter-related. Inter-relatedness is existence.
Existence is dimension. That is how it is.
But we have made a religion out of everything to make people stick around.
On the other hand, discipline forces you to be purified. Concessions can be
given, but real discipline ties you in a box and does not give you a place to

Religion was to help you find your way to a certain street. Religion was not
to kill each other and do the things people do today. Understand that your
beingness was to be connected to the Supreme Being all the time. You may
try to lie, but ask the question, “If someone lied to you, would you like it?”
If not, the other person would not like it either. So, how can a human lie to
God when another person is a manifestation of God?
Guided Meditation with the5
Master, Pure Being
Part I – 11 minutes
Sit straight in a cross-legged position.
Hold the hands in front of the heart
center, with the fingertips touching
and the palms spread. The fingers are
pointing away from the body and the
thumbs are pointing up.
“Close your eyes and try to go
within. In the self of circumstances,
the circumstances are in the self.
Multiply them. All that is happening
in the universe, and all that will
happen in the universe, and all that
has happened in the universe, is my
universe. Bring it into your universe
in universal coordination. The
universe is not separate from you and you are not separate from the
Bring the force in. Use your extreme power. You are powerful, and you are
pure, and you are infinite, and you are, because there is a part God in you,
and that part God is in everything. The totality of it has to be understood
right now. In this meditation you bring in that powerful self-controlled,
meditative energy, in your being, within your being.
You are not a woman, you are not a man—that is structure. Inside is that
pure being. If you understand that pure being, then you will not be
passionate–not passionate, wrong and small. Your strength will be manyfold!
And from many-fold, make it to a mega-fold—‘I am the Ultimate!’
That one line, ‘God and me, me and God are one,’ has to be understood,
with acknowledgment. I’m not a doctor so and so. I’m not an attorney so
and so. I’m not a person so and so. I’m not a genius so and so. All these
professional attachments you have are not to be there. And I am not a male
and I am not a female. I am just that living, vibrating spirit. And that living,
vibrating spirit is totally interlocked. And when you take that attitude, then

you understand, ‘Give me that identity and honor, or give me death.’ Then
life does not mean anything. Life is a mirage if it is not yours and you do not
control it.
Let’s be virtuous. I am virtuous, we are virtuous. Everything is virtue. Every
virtue comes from God and every virtue is God. And every living thing is
God’s virtue, and everything grows within the virtue, and everything
expands within the virtue. And the more the virtue expands, the more
impressive connections and relationships we have. Every relationship is a
tie-in. And that is how we understand each other’s virtues. All there is, is
virtue. All there will be is virtue.
Ultimately, vice will eat you up. It’s a cancer of the infinite universe. Hidingly
you can do it, cleverly you can do it, purely you can do it–it is your science.
It has no recording in the Divine because God is virtuous. And God, like the
sun, spreads rays, the light. God, which is the impulsive power of selfcontained
expansion and contraction and has its own frequency, has a
rhythm to which you have to tune in.
The only thing you tune-in to, the4
automatic—the automatic in you,
is the Breath of Life. And with the
Breath of Life you have a
heartbeat, and with a heartbeat
you have a pulse. So it all comes to
the pulse, if you really want to
know. And if you disturb
somebody’s pulse and make it run
fast, you are actually doing a bad
job. Life is calmness, quietness,
peace. “Shanti,” tranquility. Anything
and everything you do is to be
in tranquility. In that tranquility you
will exist in a biorhythm.
You exist a co-existence. So long
you want to exist and you exist,
you are creating a very dragging
situation. You have to co-exist! Your power is to co-exist. Our co-existing is
virtue. Our self-existing is non-existing. In self-existing we lose all the flow
of the universal energy.
What is there to learn? What are we doing? What books are we reading?
And what are we thinking? It is a simple thing. It is the simplest of all things.
If you learn co-existence, you will learn with your own self. You will live
with your own self. Within the constant self and beauty you can create the

most powerful, the cleanest karma of all. And that is your dharma. All what
there is and all what there will be are co-existing and coordinating and coconnected
with you. And you have to have that sensitivity.”
Part II – Meditation on Sound – 31 minutes
Same posture. Powerfully move the navel as you sing the “Ik Acharee Chand”
shabd (“Ajai Alai” by Gurushabd Singh and Nirinjan Kaur. Jaap Sahib, lines 189-196)
Ajai. Alai. Abhai. Abai.
Abhoo. Ajoo. Anaas. Akaas.
Aganj. Abhanj. Alakh. Abhakh.
Akaal. Diaal. Alaykh. Abhaykh.
Anaam. Akaam. Agaah. Adhaah.
Anaatay. Pramaathay. Ajonee. Amonee.
Na Raagay. Na Rangay. Na Roopay. Na Raykhay.
Akarmang. Abharmang. Aganjay. Alaykhay.
“This shabd gives you many words16
one word at a time—they are all
faculties of God. Your whole being
will coordinate the sound, the
system, the self, the breath, the life,
the prana. What you personify is
what you become.
Touch the navel. Move it! Union
must take place! Give a few
minutes to living. When you move
the navel the sound will change.
Change the inner self so that the
outer world will change. What an
easy way to be healthy! Change the
inner self, bring it to zero thought,
move the navel!”
To End
Inhale long and deeply, exhale and relax.
In spite of all our handicaps we are a beautiful soul. Physical weaknesses
occur because we do not have a habit—sadhana. “Sa” means “total,”
“Dhana” means “wealth.” The total wealth is in sadhana. But we do not
have a habit, we do not have time, we do not appreciate it. We feel that
there is a God on the seventh story and we have to make a lot of money to
build a staircase to reach there. Then we will sit on the right side of God.
What we are going to do then? Jump?

For years and years, for eons, we have taught each other with love and
affection, yet we have never taught that we must co-exist. We can never
exist personally. It is not our faculty! When you start existing for yourself,
you are causing pain to your self, to your being and to your inner being, to
your everything. You are co-coordinating, inter-dependent and co-existent.
For the last 5,000 years you have10
been taught how to be in pain. You
do not know pleasure. Pleasure is in
co-existence. Pain is self-existing. It
is so simple. When you intelligently,
intellectually, socially and personally
understand that you are doing
something where your coexistence
is in danger, correct it,
and everything around you will
Make yourself a center of your
total energy and beauty. You will
never be a slave. You will be selfcontained,
self-content and
continuous. Do not regret living.
Do it today!

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