1) Sit in Easy Pose with the fingers interlaced in Venus
Lock behind the head , elbows stretched out to the sides .
In hale , exhale and bend forward touching the forehead
to the ground . Inhale and sit up again . Continue for 1
minute and then begin chanting H u m Dum Har Har, Har
Har Dum Dum in rhythm with the movement for 6 more
minutes . The body will adjust itself as you m oue .
2) Sit in Easy Pose with the fingers interlaced in Venus
Lock behind the head , elbows out to the sides . Twist
right and left , b reathing and moving as completely and
powerfully as possible . Use the force of the elbows . Continue
for 4 minutes .
This exercise w orks on the circulation .
3 ) From a sitting p osition , lean back o n your hands .
Begin an alternate push-pull motion with the legs , keeping
the movements parallel to the ground and breathing
in rhythm with the motion . Contin ue for 9 m i nutes .
This exercise stretches the tendons in the leg . Any pain
which is experienced during this exercise is an indication
of an imbalance in that area which the exercise is correct
in g.
· 4) Still leaning back on the hands , or on the elbows ,
. ‘the legs straight up and begin scissor kicking
without touching the ground . Keep the knees straight and
breathe in rhythm with the movement. The legs should
alternately almost touch the ground and return straight up .
Continue for 3 minutes .
This exercise pressurizes the navel point and works the
m uscles aro u n d the hip joint .
::>) Lie on the back . Raise yourself up o n your elbows and
soles of the feet; knees are bent with the heels directly
under them . Keep the back straight. Breathe powerfully
through the mouth . The head can be in any position , but
the body and thighs must be in an a bsolutely straight line .
Contin ue for 4 minutes . Now bring the head up and chin I
pino, wkeerfeupl ltyh. e buttocks up and the back straight. Bre?1:at0he .f
This p osture adj usts the n a v el, works o n the th ighs ,
p ushes the blood thro ugh the capillaries very q uickly and
helps you think and respond quickly .
6) Come on to your hands a n d k n ees . The knees should
be about sho ulder width apart and the arms should be
straight. Flex your spine downwards as if someone were
sitting on your bac k . Bring the head up and back and roll
the eyes up towards the sky . Put the tongue all the way
out and breathe powerfully thro ugh the mouth for 2
minutes .
The eye position w orks on the eyesight . The tongue position
helps adjust the cen tral v agus nerv e .
7) S i t with t h e soles of the fee t together in B utterfly Pose .
Th e hands are on th e gro und behind you , elbows
straight, back straight. Alternately pull the k nees up
together, th e n drop the m back to the ground , keeping
the feet together. Contin ue for 1 min ute .
This exercise w orks on the circulation .
8) Lie o n the stomach with the finger tips on the floor
under the sho ulders . The h e els are together with the
soles of the feet facing up . I nhale into Cobra Pose , arching
the spine vertebra b y vertebra fro m the neck to the
base of the spine until the a rms are straight with the
elbows locke d . Exhale and to uch the n ose to the ground ,
bending the e lbows but keepi n g the fin ger tips on the
ground . Breathe powerfully and contin ue for 6 min utes .
This exercise w orks o n circu lation a n d the nervous
syste m .
9 ) Sit i n Easy Pose with t h e arms straight u p , hands
open , fingers stiff. Quickly vibrate the hands from the
wrists ; shake the m like an electric vibrator. Continue for 4
minutes .
This exercise causes the body to a djust itself and sends
blood to the capillaries of the h a n ds to flush out circulation
imbalances in this area. It h as been recommended as
a help for arthritis of the hands.
10) Sit perfectly in Easy Pose with the hands in Gyan
Mudra . Sing with the Jaap Sahib tape up to Gobinde,
Mukande . Vocally copy it exactly , o r sit meditatively and
breathe long and gently for 1 1 min utes .
This balances the right and left hemispheres of the brain .