1) Sit in Crow Pose , a crouching position with the soles
of the feet flat on the floor . Your palms are about 6 inches
apart in front of the heart center. With a n 8 count
rhythm , approximately 1 count per second , move as
follows :
1 . Extend the right arm straight out to the side and
back .
2 . Extend the left arm straight out to the side and
back .
3 . Extend both arms straight up as you stand up .
4 . Return to the original p osition as you return to
Crow Pose .
5 . Extend the right arm straight out to the side and
back (number 1) .
6 . Extend the left arm straight out to the side and back
(number 2) .
7 . Extend both arms straight out to the sides .
8 . Return to the original position .
For one minute count with the movement. Then begin
tanting Sa – Ta-Na-Ma in rhythm and contin ue for 1-2
inutes more .
This exercise will give y o u energy . (Refer also to the com e
n tary on exercise ‘ 1 on July 1 3, 1 983. )
Stand with the feet shoulder-width apart and the
h ,nds on the waist. Roll your body around on the waist in
ge full circles for 2 minutes .
. . :is exercise helps lo wer back pain , menstrual cramps
md gives general flexib ility .
Stand up with the hands on the waist and raise up ono
the balls of the feet. Alternately kick the feet o ut keepthe
knees straight. Move fast and rhythmically as you
mt loudly Hum Dum Har Har , Har Har Hu m Dum .
. on tin ue for 2 min u tes .
1 the art and psychology of com m un ication , a pe rson
·uld be able to speak flue n tly even w h e n the breath is
_ _ , u t 40 times a min u te . This exercise works to wards
eve/oping that ability .
Continue the same movement as in exercise 3 while
1anting along with the Jaap Sahib tape , if available .
‘ 1nt loudly from the beginning ; s tart kicking on the first
1 astang .