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Kundalini Yoga Er Sikh Dharma

Kundalini Yoga Er Sikh Dharma

This chapter includes . . .
The Relationship between Kundalini Yoga & Sikh Dharma 50
Students of Elegant Action 51
Kundalini Yoga & the House of Guru Ram Das 5 1

The Relationship Between
Kundalini Yoga Er Sikh Dharma

A student asked Yogi Bhajan about the relationship between
Kundalini Yoga and the Sikh Gurus. This was his reply:
you with the Infinite through the sound current. Kundalini Yoga
prepares you and enhances your capacity so you can hear that
sound current. You are a physical, m ental, and spiritual being. I
have shared techniques that allow you to care for and develop all
the parts of your structure. When I started teaching Kundalini
Yoga, I also began to give people Sikh Dharma. I didn’t want people
to be m isled. I did not want to be a Sat Guru; neither am I.
nor was I . nor shall I ever be. Many people grow in stature and
then want to be worshi pped in their personal identity rather tha n
taking people to their own Infinite identity. Values m ust be
taught with Kundalini Yoga .
Sikh Dharma is called the “path of the student.” “Sikh” actually
means student. The path is to become pure, filled with
integrity, truth, and consciousness. This is the state of being
Khalsa. As Khalsa, you are whole, purified, and you have a sense
of higher priority or mission. There a re three things I especially
like in Sikh Dharma: no proselytization is al lowed; there is no
forced conversion; and there is nothing which is not complete as
God made it. I have studied many religions, and I like many of
them, but the energy of Raj Yoga has come through the House
of Guru Ram Das. It is to be open to all and to serve everyone.
Householders path
I taught this yoga because it helps the householder who m ust
live in and build a better life. You can find the Heavens here within
your life; you do not need to wait for a later H eaven. During
this lifetime you m ust penetrate to the core and build yourself to
go home.
When you grow and become the nucleus or hub of energy
within your life, then everything comes to you. You have a hypnotic,
electromagnetic psyche which can attract everything. Your
very presence can work and have an impact. In all the years I
have taught, I have not asked a single person to become a Sikh.
It is true that as a person grows naturally and organically, they will end
with the consciousness of a Sikh-a student of Infinity who is
humble. serves all, and brings consciousness into committed
action. Kundalini Yoga is a householder’s yoga. It is a yoga which
allows an ordinary person to live in this world, experience the

ecstasy of consciousness. then use this consciousness to serve
humanity. This is the same as Sikh consciousness. It is not necessary
to be a Sikh to have Sikh consciousness. just as it is not
necessary to be a Christian to have Christ consciousness.
I have no intention of tel ling anybody what to do, but you
have to tell yourself what to do. Kundalini Yoga does tell you one
thing: one day you will stand before your consciousness and
God. face to face. Your eyes will totally lock into the Eyes. Your
breath will become one with the Great Breath. At that moment.
you will answer to how truthful you were, how real you were,
and how m uch you accomplished. The counterfeit currency of
emotions and personality will have no worth at that time. If you
can collect heavenly currency here through doing heavenly service,
T he Kundalini Yog a teacher’s personality
A Teacher’s personality is based on pure service. It is your service
to elevate, keep up the other person’s spirit, keep the candle
burning, and pass on knowledge. It is the highest respect and
honor to become a teacher. It is your choice to become real or
false. All great men. at their great sacrifice-personal and impersonal-
leave behind a legacy and a legend that the future enjoys.
They become immortal.
I did break a few rules to bring you these teachings. The first
rule was about teaching openly. The old scripture was very
explicit: “Whoever teaches this science openly shall die within
the next sun.” That meant that to teach this openly would bring
death within a year. But I taught out of compassion for the Time.
One year passed, and I was fine. I thought, “This doesn’t seem
to apply to me.” I continued to investigate this old rule. I asked
many wise people and sages. They said, “That rule does not
apply to Masters; it is for the people of ego. People who teach
this with ego become empty within the year.” I watched people
practice. They became great and then thought that they a re perfect
and exalted. They didn’t make it through even one year. They
disappeared and could not contain their ego.
The combination of the knowledge of Kundalini Yoga and the
values and humility of Sikh Dharma creates a good combination of
balance. It is up to you. How much do you want to excel? With
your own ego and definitions. you won’t last. Minus your ego,
nothing can destroy you. When a saintly person dies. people drop
flowers all around. When an earthly King dies, the pigeons leave

their droppings on his statue. It is your choice. That is the idea of
your Oath. (Find the Oath in Identity of a Kundalini Yoga Teacher chapter.)
Eliminate all your biases and work with a concentrated strength and
direction of service.
The humility that is in Kundalini Yoga and in the Sikh consciousness
is the same. It is a habit to present yourself before the
Teacher and your higher consciousness and then to obey it.
Stuaents of Elegant Action
TI ME and seem to have roots in the wisdom traditions of every culture
in which a spark of consciousness has been lit. Sikh Dharma
originates from the heart of spirit, and is part of the energy of the
modern times in the Aquarian Age. The two paths have crossed
and the great teachers, the ten Gurus of Sikh Dharma, confirmed by
the spirit of Guru Ram Das, served a key function to open the practices
of Raj Yoga to all people regardless of caste, creed, color, gender,
or age.
Formerly, through thousands of years the techniques of individual
dignity, self-divinity, and worship of the Word-the vibration of
the subtle self-were restricted to only a few kings, mystics, and
people in the heights of society. But today in the spirit of the Sikh
way, these techniques have been opened up to all people, just as
the central temple in Sikh Dharma , the Golden Temple or
Harimander Sahib, has doors open to all four directions. So, there
has been a primary shift in access to the knowledge of the tools of
consciousness. Those tools were recorded, a nd infused with heart
through the poetry and inspiration of the Sikh Gurus, as well as
others who wrote in that tradition, including Muslims and Hindus.
It was a time in which there was a remixing, a re-inspiration of the
spirit and technology.
Kundalini Yoga gives the tools, the technology, the sadhana,
the personal discipline, to awaken awareness. Sikh Dharma and
3HO give an example of living that consciousness in an Aquarian
manner. Sikh means “a student” and dharma means “elegant and
selfless action.” Kundalini is awareness. So with our ful l awareness
we live a dharma, as people who are students of elegant action and
life. That’s the relationship. It’s about living synchronized with spirit
and not about ” religion” at all.
Religions were originally the organ ized result of codifying an
experience of ecstasy. The leader-teacher had an experience and
accessed a template of I nfinity. Often, guilt and fear were used to
maintain power of the elite. The Aquarian Age is about giving back
to the people, the ability to access the Truth themselves. With
power and humility, shakti and bhakti, everyone grows in consciousness.


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