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ॐ जय जगदीश हरे

Who wrote the famous Om Jai Jagdish hare aarti ?

Om Jai Jagdish Hare (Hindi: ॐ जय जगदीश हरे) is one of the most famous Hindu religious song. Which is dedicated to supreme lord Vishnu and is mostly sung in Vishnu temples. Although the religious hymn is a Hindi-language composition, it is widely sung by Hindus. The prayer is sung by the entire audience at the time of Aarti, a form of Hindu worship.

From where he got inspiration to write Om Jai Jagdish hare?

Its says that its inspired from the Dashavatara (Sanskrit: दशावतार कीर्ति धवलम्) section of Gita Govinda of Jayadeva, a lyrical composition of 12th century, which has the same chorus

प्रलयपयोधिजले धृतवानसि वेदम् ॥


केशवाधृतमीनशरीर जयजगदीशहरे॥

There are also variants of the song, using the same tune and structure, but with focus on different deities. These include Om Jai Lakshmi Mata, Om Jai Shiva Omkara and Om Jai Shiva Shakti Hare  and many more.

It’s written by Pandit Shardha Ram Phillauri.

Who was Pt. Shardha Ram Phillauri?

Shardha Ram was born in 1837 to a Brahmin family in the town of Phillaur, Jalandhar. His father, Jai Dyalu, was an astrologer and their gotra was Moudgil. He did not have any formal education until the age ten, he studied Hindi, Sanskrit, Persian, astrology, and music. Later, he was also a missionary of traditional Hinduism (Sanatana dharma).

He wrote so many books, In his books, Shardha Ram documented Punjabi culture and language.

Shardha Ram gave forceful lectures on the Mahabharata, and because of this was charged with conducting propaganda against the British government in 1865. As a result, he was exiled temporarily from his home town, Phillaur.

Sharda Ram often visited Amritsar and adjoining Lahore (Now part of Pakistan after partition), especially in connection with astrology. He was known as a reputation astrologer and wrote several books in Hindi

Shardha Ram has recently been acknowledged as having written the first novel in Hindi.His novel Bhagyawati, believed to have been written mainly in Amritsar, was first published in 1888, after Shardha Ram’s death.The novel’s portrayal of women and women’s rights was progressive for its day.

Sharda Ram has written the famous and widely sung aarti “Om Jai Jagdish Hare….” Shardha Ram died on 24 June 1881 at Lahore.

Om Jai Jagdish Hare …Aarti

ॐ जय जगदीश हरे, स्वामी जय जगदीश हरे .
भक्त जनों के संकट, क्षण में दूर करे ..

जो ध्यावे फल पावे, दुख बिनसे मन का .
सुख सम्पति घर आवे, कष्ट मिटे तन का ..

मात पिता तुम मेरे, शरण गहूं मैं किसकी .
तुम बिन और न दूजा, आस करूं मैं जिसकी ..

तुम पूरण परमात्मा, तुम अंतरयामी .
पारब्रह्म परमेश्वर, तुम सब के स्वामी ..

तुम करुणा के सागर, तुम पालनकर्ता .
मैं सेवक तुम स्वामी, कृपा करो भर्ता ..

तुम हो एक अगोचर, सबके प्राणपति .
किस विधि मिलूं दयामय, तुमको मैं कुमति ..

दीनबंधु दुखहर्ता, तुम रक्षक मेरे .
करुणा हस्त बढ़ाओ, द्वार पड़ा तेरे ..

विषय विकार मिटाओ, पाप हरो देवा .
श्रद्धा भक्ति बढ़ाओ, संतन की सेवा ..


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