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Resources for the Kunaalini Yoga Teacher

Resources for the Kunaalini Yoga Teacher

This chapter includes … Resource Organizations 304 Kundalini Research Institute (KRI)

• 3HO (Healthy, Happy, Holy Organization) 3HO International Kundalini Yoga Teachers Ass ociation ( IKYTA) 3HO Events • White Tantric Yoga • Spiritual Name Requests • Yogi Bhajan Yoga Alliance • Sikh Dharma Resources for Products & Publications 306 Publications 306 COPYRIGHT YOGI BHAJAN 2003 Individual consciousness will refine you. group consciousness will expand you. and universal consciousness will redeem you to Infinity. -YOGI BHAJAN

Resource Organizations Kunaalini Research Institute (KRI) The Kundalini Research Institute exists to: � Create global recognition and access to the Teachings of Yogi Bhajan through product development and the Library of teachings. � Uphold the purity, integrity and accuracy of the Teachings of Yogi Bhajan through KRI Review and the KRI Seal of Approval. � Offer support for authors to create and translate products based on the Teachings of Yogi Bhajan. � Create the KRI International Kundalini Yoga Teacher Training certificaiton programs. for a list of Kundalini Yoga products with the KRI Seal of Approval, please view the I KYTA website: Kundalini Research Institute The KRI Seal of Approval is granted only to products that are approved through KRI review. Look for this seal to guarantee the accuracy and integrity of the science of Kundalini Yoga and 3HO Lifestyle as taught by Yogi Bhajan. 3HO Foundation (HealthY� Happy� Holy Organization) 3HO is an international non-profit organization dedicated to sharing a Healthy, Happy, Holy lifestyle and the science of Kundalini Yoga as taught by Yogi Bhajan, Master of Kundalini Yoga, through education, service, and spirit. Men and women of varying age, race, ethnicity, religion and cultural background consider themselves part of the worldwide 3HO community. 3HO believes that diversity is a key part of the organization’s ability to serve humanity as a whole. What brings people together in association with 3HO is the desire to live a meaningful lifestyle and to be of service to the betterment of humankind. 3HO International 0 1 -A Ram Das Guru Place, Espanola, New Mexico, 87532 USA (505) 753-4988 FAX: (505) 753-1 999 • 304 • KRI INTERNATIONAL TEACHER TRAINING MANUAL LEVEL I 3HO International Kunaalini Yoga Teachers Association (IKYTA) Membership in IKYTA: All participants enrolled in The Aquarian Teacher Level I Teacher Training program in the US and Canada automatically become Associate Members of IKYTA. Upon receipt of a KRI Level I Teaching Certificate, all newly certified teachers are upgraded to Professional Membership for the remainder of the calendar year. IKYTA membership must be renewed annually. Professional Members receive, in addition to Associate membership benefits, referrals from IKYTA, personalized listings in the annual Kundalini Yoga Teachers Directory online and in Aquarian Times magazine, and more! Please view the IKYTA membership form online at for current membership benefits. The goals of IKYTA are: I) To create unity among Kundalini Yoga Teachers. 2) To create communication among all 3HO Kundalini Yoga Teacher Associations worldwide. 3) To maintain an online directory of it’s Professional Members, who are KRI Certified Teachers, for referral and networking. 4) To ensure the excellence of all Kundalini Yoga Teachers, classes and Teacher Training systems. 5) To train successful teachers who are knowledgeable about Kundalini Yoga, meditation and 3HO lifestyle, and skillful at marketing to reach the maximum number of people. 6) To promote IKYTA members, and Teacher Training programs worldwide. 7) To gain public recognition for 3HO and Kundalini Yoga among the general public and the yoga community. 3HO International Kundalini Yoga Teachers Association (IKYTA) 3 Ram Das Guru Place, Espanola, NM, 87532 USA (505) 753-0423 FAX: (505) 753-5982 Nam Kaur Khalsa, Executive Director Guruka Kaur Khalsa, Association Director Hari Charn Kaur Khalsa, Program Director, Teacher Training Gurumandir Kaur Smith, Contract Manager, Teacher Training

3HO Events 3HO Camps & Events 3HO sponsors international yoga-based camps and festivals throughout the year and around the globe. Some of these include: Summer Solstice in New Mexico and Winter Solstice in Florida Yoga Festivals throughout Europe, and South America Ladies Camp The Master’s Touch Khalsa Youth Camps These camps are designed to give people the opportunity to experience and practice Kundalini Yoga, meditation, vegetarian diet, and conscious living. They also serve to create a community of people on the path of self-discovery and spiritual consciousness. 3HO Events Information 0 1 -A Ram Das Guru Place, Espanola, NM, 87532 USA toll free (888) 346-2420 (505) 753-4988 FAX: (505) 753-1 999 International Peace Prayer Day Each june people from all walks of life including spiritual leaders, musicians, humanitarians, and politicians of all faiths gather in the jemez Mountains of northern New Mexico for this day-long 3HO event. This special event includes the awarding of grants to organizations working for peace and honors a Man and Woman of Peace for the year. The day also includes a Sacred Healing Walk, an old Hopi Indian custom which was handed down to us as caretakers of this sacred land. 1 -877-70-Peace ( 1-877-606-3223) White Tantric Yoga “The beauty of White Tantric Yoga is that it is subtle, it is exalting, and it works to give you the mastery of life.” (3 1 0) 552-34 16 xl 09 FAX: 3 1 0-557-84 14 COPYRIGHT YOGI BHAJAN 2003 -Yogi Bhajan RESOURCE ORGANIZATIONS Spiritual Name Requests To request a spiritual name from Yogi Bhajan, please write to: Yogi Bhajan Spiritual Name Request 0 1 -A Ram Das Guru Place, Espanola, NM 87532 USA Include your full name. birthdate. and time of birth-if you know it-and mailing address. It is customary to include a donation. made payable to Yogi Bhajan. To contact Yogi Bhajan: Siri Hari Kaur Khalsa (505) 747-70 17 0 1 -A Ram Das Guru Place, Espanola, NM 87532 To find out more about Yogi Bhajan go to: Yoga Alliance I KYTA is a founding member of the Yoga Alliance, a national alliance of diverse yoga organizations. It’s purpose is to provide support services to yoga professionals, and to establish standards for the field. It provides a registry of teachers who meet the national standards created for Yoga Teacher Training in the United States. Once you become a KRI certified teacher, you will be eligible to join the Yoga Alliance, and become part of the registry with rights to use the YA logo on promotional materials. (877) 964-2255 www. Sikh Dharma For more information on the Sikh way of life, including m usic, Yogi Bhajan’s lectures, and Prosperity yoga sets and meditations, visit:, Sikh Dharma International (505) 753-8928 FAX: (505) 753-5982 KRI INTERNATIONAL TEACHER TRAINING MA

Resources tor Products Er Publications To order Kundalini Yoga books, manuals, audio and videotapes and COs, we recommend the following resources:  ANCIENT HEALING WAYS Distributors of Kundalini Yoga products, including books, videos, tapes, COs, Yogi Bhajan live lectures. International Contact info: (505) 747-2860 FAX: (505)-747-2868 PO Box 1 30, Espanola, NM 87532 IKYTA members receive a 10% discount on all retail orders. Wholesale discounts available. SPIRIT VOYAGE MUSIC 1 2732 Builders Road, Herndon, VA 201 70-2932 1 -888-735-4800 or (31 0) 838-9989 15% discount for all IKTYA Members on retail orders. Wholesale discounts available. In Europe:  SAT NAM VERSAND (Germany) 069/434419 FAX: 069/438571 3HO products. including music. books. videos.  YOGUI PRESS Distributors or KRI books. Discounts from 30% up to 40% depending on quantity. • 306 • KRI INTERNATIONAL TEACHER TRAINING MANUAL LEVEL I Publications Aquarian Times Magazine Phone (orders only): 1 -800-359-2940 To subscribe: Kumtalini Rising! The quarterly newsletter of 3HO’s International Kundalini Yoga Teachers Association (IKYTA) Participants enrolled in KRI’s Level I Teacher Training in the USA and Canada receive a subscription. Others may join IKYTA at to receive the teachers newsletters



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