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SUNRISE INDUSTRIES (SI) was established in 2005 to give machining, maintenance and manufacturing automotive parts services to its customer in Rajasthan and other parts of the country.  We are specialized in the field of Power press Parts, Bach Loader Parts, Drive Head, Job Work, Horizontal We at Sunrise Industries are committed to give excellent, consistent and reliable service quality to meet customer satisfaction.

Our Motto is to offer customized products, committed to assured long life. We strictly adhere to indispensable policy of open communication with our worthy customers.

Name Sunrise Industries
Address H1 – 496(E) Opp. Paras Laminates, RIICO Industrial Area,
Bhiwadi – 301019
Distt – Alwar (Raj.)
Ph. No. 01493 516075
Cell No. 94135 88677, 91666 95050, 77371 92883
E- mail ID ,
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      असीम संतोष

      एक दूकान पर लस्सी का ऑर्डर देकर हम सब दोस्त- आराम से बैठकर एक दूसरे की खिंचाई और हंसी-मजाक में लगे ही थे कि, लगभग 70-75 साल की बुजुर्ग स्त्री पैसे मांगते हुए हमारे सामने हाथ फैलाकर खड़ी हो गई