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The College is a self-financing institution running by Suraj Education Society. To become a nationally recognized leader in engineering, research & education and achieve greater recognition for our efforts in our chosen fields of endeavor. Suraj Degree College is offering M.Sc. (Physics, Chemistry, Maths), M.A.(English, Economics, Geography), B.Sc.(Medical, Non- Med.) ,B.Sc. Hons (Physics, Chemistry, Maths), B.Com., B.A

College will build on its traditions of innovation, problem solving, & interdisciplinary collaboration to meet the changing needs of society…

Suraj Degree College, Mahendergarh

(Affiliated to M.D.U. Rohtak)

Bucholi Road, Mahendergarh, Haryana

Tel: 01285-222800, 09992444432, Telefax: 01285-222800

TYPE SURAJ <Course Name> <Location> <Enquiry >
and send the message at 56161

Assume your name is “Ajay” and you want to take admission in B.Sc. Physics and you are from Rewari then you can send us enquiry like this

SURAJ Degree College B.Sc. Physics. AJAY Rewari. I want to take admission in your school, Please tell me the fees.

send this message at 56161

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      असीम संतोष

      एक दूकान पर लस्सी का ऑर्डर देकर हम सब दोस्त- आराम से बैठकर एक दूसरे की खिंचाई और हंसी-मजाक में लगे ही थे कि, लगभग 70-75 साल की बुजुर्ग स्त्री पैसे मांगते हुए हमारे सामने हाथ फैलाकर खड़ी हो गई