एक वृद्धा थी। उसकी कोई संतान न थी। उसके पास अपार धन-संपत्ति थी और उसने जीवन भर धन का सदुपयोग ही किया था।
There was an old man. She had no children. He had immense wealth and he used to use his wealth throughout his life.
When the angel came to take the woman from heaven in the end, he said, ‘Come on! You have to move to heaven. ‘ Having heard this, the greediness was in the mind of the old man and he said to the angels, ‘I have a lot of work, so give some time. The angel went away giving him one year’s time. ‘
This time, the lady started taking interest and interest by paying a rupee loan. Greed has become an integral part of the debilitating nature, such as stealing, fraud, lying. Seeing a year has passed. This time he reached the messenger and said, ‘Come on! It’s time to walk to hell. ‘
The woman said, ‘But I was being taken to heaven a year ago, then how did this change?’ The eunuch said, ‘You have done more sins throughout your life than you did in a year.’ So now you are being taken to Hell.