Achievements of Adi Shankarcharya
Shankaracharya has been paralleled with the great spiritual teachers, such as Buddha and Christ in that they were Avatars (Divine Incarnations) each said to be highly evolved spiritually at birth. In the ancient tradition of India such individuals have had a greater and more lasting impact on the population and culture than people of wealth or political power. Such is the spiritual influence Shankaracharya has had over mankind through the ages.
Shankara’s commentaries on the Vedantic texts, his interpretations of the Upanishads and his poetry and hymns are written in an overtly poetic and lyrical fashion. In contrast to modern texts, literature coming from that period is extremely poetic and written so enchantingly that one is sometimes taken away within the realms of fantasy. There is no denying the reality of Shankara’s existence, nor his legacy to mankind, in particular to the people of India. His knowledge of the Vedic texts and his dedication in unifying the spiritual beliefs of the nation has made him a legendary figure of India who is deservedly recognised as a reincarnation of the Lord Shiva.
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