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asha ram bapu life


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Asaram was born on 17 April 1941, in the Berani village of the Nawabshah District in British India (Present-day Berani Town is located in Jam Nawaz Ali Tehsil of District Sanghar Sindh Pakistan), to Menhgiba and Thaumal Sirumalani. His birthname was Asumal Thaumal Harpalan or Asumal Sirumalani.

Following the partition of India in 1947, he and his family moved to Ahmedabad, then part of the former Bombay State in India, now Gujarat, leaving behind their immovable assets in Sindh. Asaram’s father worked in different cities of Gujarat, before moving to Ajmer in 1963. In Ajmer, Asaram drove a tanga (carriage), carrying pilgrims from the railway station toDargah Sharif. Subsequently, the family moved to Ahmedabad, where Asaram’s father founded a coal and wood business. Asaram ran this business for a short time after his father’s death. At one time (1958–1959), he sold tea in front of the Magistrate’s office.

After his father’s death, Asaram dropped out of Jai Hind High School, where he had studied till class III. According to Sant Asaramji ki Jeevan Jhanki, a biography published by his ashram, he ran away to an ashram in Bharuch at the age of 15, eight days before his scheduled wedding. His family persuaded him to return, and he married Laxmi Devi. At the age of 23, he again left home and wandered in pilgrimage places in Uttarakhand and Uttar pradesh. He met the spiritual guru Lilashahin Nainital, wanting to be his disciple; but the guru sent him back home. Thirteen days later after the return, he left home for another Ashram, but was sent back again. He then visited Lilashah once again, who accepted him as a disciple inVrindavan. Lilashah named him Asaram on 7 October 1964.

Asaram and Laxmi Devi have two children: Narayan Sai and Bharti Devi.

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      asha ram bapu work

      Life    Achivments     Media     Publication According to Sant Asaramji ki Jeevan Jhanki, Asaram returned to …