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Thakur Anukulchandra Life


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Thakur Anukulchandra Life

Anukulchandra was born on September 14, 1888 (Bhadra 30th, 1295 of Bengali Calendar) in Himaitpur village in the Pabna district of Bangladesh. His father was Sivachandra Chakravarty (Shandilya gotra Kanyakubja Brahmin) and his mother was Manomohini Devi. Biographers point out that Manomohini had strong spiritual thirst from the early childhood and had received the ‘holy name’ in her dream and later she had her formal initiation to ‘holy name’ from Radha Soami movement’s guru Hazur Rai Saligram Bahadur.

According to followers, one day a wandering monk came to the homestead of his parents. The monk requested for a meal. After having the meal served by Manomohini Devi, the monk told Manomohini that the only male child of the family would die and a person would be born who would be a Lord to many. Soon after, Loha, the only brother of Manomohini died.

Anukulchandra was born in the 12th month of his mother’s pregnancy.Allegedly, at birth he was smiling and looking around brightly at the world.[20] Biographies of Anukulchandra also point out other unusual features and stories of birth such as having no hair on the head and extremely bright light in the home when Anukulchandra was born, which made villagers, fishermen come rushing from the Padma river thinking mistakenly that there was a fire.

According to many biographies, Anukulchandra’s conduct and behavior was a little unusual and mysterious in nature from early childhood. Anukulchandra’s extreme devotion to his mother was noted as one unusual characteristics. One math exam day, being late to prepare to go to school, Anukulchandra’s mother angrily told him that he would not be able to answer a single math question. At exam, he did not write a single answer thinking, that would prove his mother wrong. Another unusual characteristics was noted as his prophesies. When asked by his mother to come along to go to see a newborn of their neighbor, four year old Anukulchandra told his mother that no need to go as newborn would die within eighteen days. The newborn allegedly died on eighteenth day.

Since childhood, Anukulchandra was believed to be able to sense the pain of others. One tropical stormy day from school, eight year old Anukulchandra started running, out of classroom through the bamboo groves while heavy hail was hitting him, protecting his head by text books, finally spotted a very old man in feeble voice crying for help- ‘Allah, save me…’. He rescued the old man. Anukulchandra was chastised by mother Manomohini, since he came home in bad weather fully drenched and text books were damaged.

Biographies point out stories of Anukulchandra’s fundamental thking ability as he was learning as a child. Anukulchandra was reportedly beaten heavily by his elementary school teacher Satya Moitra when he answered that one plus one only makes two ones but not two. Addition supposes that two things are identical which is non-existent.

Spiritual ecstasy from childhood was thought by the family and neighbor to be epileptic seizures. Having engrossed in meditating the ‘holy name’ given by his mother, Anukulchandra used to lose his outward consciousness on regular basis from the early childhood.

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