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Awaken the Diaphragm

September 26, 1984

51. Left Cham Kamal Mudra: Lie flat on your back and raise your left leg up to ninety degrees. Reach up and grab the toes of your left foot with both hands. Keep both legs straight. Do not bend your knees. Chant “Har” rhythmically, continuously, and powerfully from your diaphragm. 6 Minutes.

2. Right Cham Kamal Mudra: Still lying on your back, raise your right leg to ninety degrees and continue to chant as in exercise one. Pump your diaphragm strongly as you create the sound “Har.” 5 Minutes.

3. Kamal Prakash Mudra: Sit up and stretch your legs out straight in front of you. Grab your toes while keeping your spine straight. Move your torso down and up, bending from the hips, not from the neck or spine. Start out moving two to three inches and slowly and gradually bend forward more and more. Chant “Har” rhythmically and continuously from your diaphragm. 2 1/2 Minutes.

4. Lie down on your back and relax. 6 1/2 Minutes

5. Shake your neck, shake your upper body, and then shake your whole body.

In exercises 1 and 2, you grasp the feet (Cham) and chant “Har” to stimulate your diaphragm and the lotus (Kamal) of the navel. Exercise 3 is a variation of Maha Mudra in which movement and chanting are employed to awaken the diaphragm. Ifyou experience an inability to keep your legs straight or a lot ofshaking in exercises one and two, it indicates that the organs below the diaphragm are not being properly served. The digestive system and the metabolism need work and fat is not being proportionately regulated. Your strength and stamina are about half of what they could be.

For a really powerful experience, do each of the exercises for 11 minutes. In about three days you’ll experience “something you cannot explain or imagine.” 11 minutes of exercise one and two can create a deep state of relaxation which cannot be reached by any other means.


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