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Heal Your Troubles

Heal Your Troubles

To practice this kriya, you will need a banana.

261. Sun Wheel Meditation. 1-3 Minutes on each side.

2. Sit in Easy Pose. Your elbows are bent and your forearms are parallel to the floor. Your palms face downward with the tips of the fingers of one hand touching the tips of the fingers of the other hand. (Which fingertips actually touch will depend on the length of your fingers.) Maintain this arm position and bend forward until your hands touch the floor and your forehead touches the backs of your hands. Rise back up into the starting position, sitting straight.

This movement is combined with the breath. For each breath cycle: inhale deeply, hold the breath, bow and rise up a total of 16 times, and then exhale to complete one breath cycle. Move quickly but rise up completely after each bow. Do a total of 15 complete breath cycles.

3. Come into Cobra Pose. Inhale, hold your breath, bring your forehead to the ground and arch back up into Cobra Pose 16 times with your breath held. Then exhale to complete one breath cycle. Move fast, but make sure that you arch back up fully into Cobra Pose each time. Do 4 complete breath cycles.

4. Reach back, grab your ankles, and arch up into Bow Pose. Inhale, hold your breath, and roll forward and back on your stomach 16 times. Exhale to complete one breath cycle. Do 3 complete breath cycles.

5. Lie on your back with your hands on your forehead. Vigorously bounce and shake every part of your body. 1 Minute.

276. Lie on your back and breathe slowly and deeply from your navel. 7 Minutes. (During this meditation, Yogi Bhajan played the gong as the class listened to Bhai Avtar Singh and Bhai Gurucharan Singh’s ]ai Te Gung for 4 minutes followed by Singh Kaur’s Wahe Guru ]io for 3 minutes.)

7. Still lying on your back, hold your banana lengthwise between your palms and raise your arms straight up in the air. Breathe slowly and deeply. Keep your arms straight and imagine that you are sanctifYing and purifYing the banana, filling it with healing energy. 3 Minutes.

8. Rise up into a sitting position with your arms stretched up straight over your head. The banana is still held vertically between your palms. Hold this position for a few seconds and then bend forward, stretching your hands toward your toes. Make a prayer as if you are offering something to God. This whole sequence takes about 30 seconds.

9. Sit in Easy Pose. Bring your hands to your chest in Prayer Mudra at your heart center with the banana still held vertically between your palms and pray. 10 Seconds.

10. Eat your banana. If you make this set of exercises a regular part of your life, eating the banana as your breakfast, you will have a lot less trouble in your life. The banana will act to balance the minerals and other elements in your body. It is a very essential food of life



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