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Lxperiencing The F5’yche

December 15, 1993

fgjkBefore you begin this meditation, move your body all around to loosen up. You must be relaxed so you will not block the flow of energy. Feel good and comfortable with yourself Once your posture is perfect, the energy will flow and create miracles.

In all three parts of this kriya you lock your Mercury and Sun fingers down with your thumb. Use the thumb (which represents the id) to strongly press down the two fingers. The Jupiter and Saturn fingers 1 point straight like antennae. In this mudra you control your communication and life flow with your identity, while you extend your wisdom and purity. Your eyes are closed and look down at the lunar center of the chin through the closed lids.

1. Sit in Easy Pose with a straight spine. Bend your elbows and press your upper arms against your ribcage. The forearms point upward. Your hands are in the mudra at shoulder level with the wrists bent and the palms facing upward. The Jupiter and Saturn fingers point to the sides with an upward angle of about sixty degrees. (The correct hand position will be uncomfortable, but do your best to keep the cor- 2 rect angle.) Keep your chin in, chest out, and your neck straight. Be steady to allow the energy to flow. 12 Minutes.

2. The mudra and focus of the eyes remain the same. Stretch your arms out to the sides and up at a 60 degree angle. Your arms are straight with no bend in either elbow or wrist. Sit calmly, quietly, peacefully. You will now absorb the energy you created in the first segment of the meditation. 3 Minutes.

3. Create a halo for yourself by bringing your arms over your head with the Jupiter and Saturn fingers of one hand touching the Jupiter and Saturn fingers of the other hand, palms facing down. Your hands are still in the mudra and no other part of the hands touch. Every muscle and molecule in your body shall be automatically energized. Enjoy the touch of the fingers. 1 1/2 Minutes.

To Finish: Inhale deeply, hold the breath for 15-20 seconds, while contracting every muscle and keeping the Jupiter and Saturn fingers ofthe two hands touching. Exhale. Repeat this sequence two more times and relax.

The Jupiter finger represents wisdom and knowledge. In the science ofcolor therapy, its color is golden orange. The Saturn finger represents purity and its color is blue. The Sun finger represents the life flow and its color is bright red. The Mercury finger represents communication and its colors are green and white-green.




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