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His first meeting with Srila Prabhupada took place in January 1977 during the Maha Kumbha Mela at Prayag. Srila Prabhupada immediately instructed him to translate all of his books into Bengali. Joining Srila Prabhupada’s entourage from this time onwards, he was soon made ISKCON’s Secretary for Indian Affairs. He was quickly given first and second initiation in Mayapur during the GauraPurnima festival of 1977. Shortly thereafter, during the Snana Yatra festival in Vrindavan, Srila Prabhupada awarded him the renounced order of sannyasa. After being appointed as a GBC, he later served as the GBC Chairman in 1989. Currently he is Vice-chairman to the GBC body. He has been travelling and preaching now for over 35 years, with disciples all over the world. He continued to translate Srila Prabhupada’s series of books into Bengali to its completion in 1996 (the Srila Prabhupada’s centennial anniversary year). Thereafter, he was involved in creating, writing, producing and directing the epic biographical video series – “AbhayCharan”.

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