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Recharge Yourself

181. On your hands and knees, do Cat-Cow with breath of fire. 1 1/2 Minutes.

2. Sit in easy pose and reach your left arm straight out in front. Then reach your right arm straight out in front as you twist your torso to the left pulling your left arm in. Continue. Twist your torso and shoulders left and right as ifyou are pulling a heavy rope. Move vigorously. 3 Minutes.

3. Rock back and forth on your stomach in Bow Pose with Breath of own YB Fire. 3 Minutes.

4. Stand up with your arms straight out in front, palms facing down. Sit down and stand up again. 20 Times.

5. Sit in easy pose with your arms stretched up over your head, palms together. Chant your favorite mantra. 2 Minutes. Inhale and stretch up. Exhale and relax.

6. Lie down on your stomach and sleep. 11-21 Minutes.


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