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Work. on the H’ypothalamu5

April 10, 1985

251. Sit in Easy Pose. Stretch your left arm diagonally out from your “Life is aflow body. It is not straight out to the side nor straight out in front but in oflove. ” YB between these two positions. Raise the arm up to sixty degrees. Stretch your right leg out straight and grab the toes with your right hand. From this position lower your forehead to the floor and back up 108 times.

2. Reverse sides and repeat the first exercise 108 times.

3. Stretch both legs out in front of you and grab your toes with your hands. Raise and lower your torso bringing your forehead to your knees 108 times.

4. Lie down on your stomach in Bow Pose and rock back and forth 108 times.

5. Frog Pose. 108 times.

6. Sit in Easy Pose. Stretch your arms up over your head with the hands locked together. Concentrate at your brow point. Keep your elbows straight and your spine stretched. Chant along with the tape Har Har Mukande by Avtar Singh. Chant “Har, Har” from the navel and chant “Mukande” with the tip of your tongue. 7 1/2 Minutes.

To finish: Inhale deeply, hold your breath 25 seconds and stretch all twenty-six vertebra upward. Exhale. Repeat this sequence two more times.

7. Lie down and completely relax 11 Minutes.


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